Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Driving today it really hit me.  Nathan will be 10 in August.  I fight the feeling that we are out of time.  Early intervention is so important.  I know this.  But, what happens when our children get older.  I fight the feeling that it is all or nothing.  That he past that "point", the point of recovery, getting better or something!  Whatever it is-it isn't.  Not yet.  Early intervention works wonders, but just because our children are getting older doesn't mean they can't learn.  I have to believe that.  I have to know that.  I need to continue to work each day.  As children get older it seems that progress is slower.  But, maybe it's not slower.  Maybe we are just tired.  So strength is the first order of the day.  Mental, spiritual and physical.
He used to talk, read and take spelling tests.  He wasn't injured.  He didn't get sick.  So it has to be in there.  Where else could it have gone?  I need to find it.  Find what works for him.  Reading 'My Stroke of Insight' there was a passage that has struck a nerve with me.  The author spoke of how after her stroke she was in a blissful place.  She was happy.  Only with the constant pleading of her mother to rejoin this world did she make the extreme effort to relearn skills.  To find her way back.  Love and encouragement was what made her decide to come back and not just live in that euphoric state.  Sometimes I wonder if that is where Nathan is.  He is happy again, after going through an extremely sad phase.  But, he is not blissfully unaware.  He knows he can't speak.  That must be my priority...getting his language back.  So I will start again tomorrow.

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