Sunday, July 28, 2013

This morning as I tried to wake Nathan I said, "I love you Nathan."
Turning to Chase like any good parent ready to tell him I love him too.  Chase looked toward his brother and said, "Yeah, we all love Nathan." 
What a brother!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

What a day...

After many, many months waiting for an appointment we were told the wrong blood work was done.
So Chase made a trip to the lab.  And, was quite brave I might add!

He spent a beautiful evening outside with Sam.

Cones on the roof?
Just a training exercise for our local firefighters.
Wish we could do more.

 We seemed to alarm our neighbors as fire truck after fire truck pulled up.
Chase had a ball though.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Having the time of her life...
To love the work you do is to find peace and joy.
I am so glad she is back at Disney.
May the Peace be with you Nicole.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Again life...
The best laid plans of mothers who plan to get things done...
Never happen :)
Still trying to figure out this computer.  Trying to upload the pictures from Samantha's trip to the pediatric outpatient services at Mercy hospital today.  What we thought was a splinter turned out to be much larger than anyone could have guessed.  We couldn't find it after the surgeon removed it from under her fingernail.  I wonder if it made it to his collection of strange and incredible removals or the trashcan. 
What a brave young lady!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Art Inspired Academy!
If I didn't think it was a great idea, completely implausible, but the dream of a completely inspired child...I might have my mommy feelings hurt.  On the way home from Art Inspired Academy Chase told me that he wants to live there.  When I asked why he told me, "because it is fun."  Then he elaborated that he could eat there, sleep there and watch movies.

Nathan had a great time too.
He remembered exactly how to make paper from his past experiences with Art Inspired.