Monday, July 30, 2012

Summer School Sammy Style

She had him doing stuff I didn't know he could do.  That is why sometimes it is just good to back off and not hover.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

For a surprise the children came at the end of the adult class at church today.  And there he was poised to sing with the rest of them.  Then Nathan saw me and said, "Mommy."  He started to come toward me.  The music director asked him to to 'scoot back and stay with the rest of the kids'.  He did.  And didn't need any further prompting.  What a big kid.  He didn't sing but stood just as he should and exited with the rest of the children at the end of the song.  He is growing up...

Saturday, July 28, 2012

My heart began to pump as I read the letter that came today...
     This letter is to inform you that you will receive a rebate of a portion of your health insurance premiums.  This rebate is required by the Affordable Care Act-the health reform law.

Well, we pay $500 each month for just the boys from this company.  This might be a pretty good check.  Then I read that the check is enclosed.   
There it was in all it's shining glory.

At least I got two of them.  One for each boy!

Friday, July 27, 2012

When your children are so far from home you feel helpless when they are in peril!!

Good thing Nicole has a few weapons of her own.  Looks like Dr. Doom was defenseless against her killer smile!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

"What we need to think about is what are they going to be when they grow up."
"Don't make everyone the same."
"Find the back doors for our kids."
"Your social media is your resume'.  ...don't put up anything your grandma can't see."
"Use your hands.  Many have only drawn on a computer."
"Practical is not perfect."
Lots of wonderful things to think about.  Dr. Grandin gave a stellar presentation.  She reminded me I need to stretch Nathan.  Am I up for it?  I will try.  It is so scary to push him.  He shuts down so easily.  But, I need to find the difference between stretching him and challenging him. Maybe the difference is by challenging him I am trying to make him do what I think he should.  And by stretching him I take what he can do and get him to do more.  Yes, I think that is it.
I could have stretched myself more today.  I don't know if I was being respectful or just plain chicken.  I was introduced to Dr. Grandin and we spoke for a good five minutes before her speech and I didn't ask for a picture.  I will go with 'respect'.  Whichever it was a wonderful experience.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I had a once in a lifetime experience today.  Samantha walked in the the kitchen, handed me the phone and said, "It's Temple Grandin", then she walked away.
It is true.  Really.  What is even funnier is I said, "As you know my name is Elizabeth... I am calling from Springfield, Missouri."  Then she said, "I am in Springfield."  And, of course I made the most wonderful first impression.  I said, "What?".  Well maybe she will remember me?!  She is here for an under-publicized speech for an Ag group.  I told her if it was okay I would rally the troops.  She said that would be great, she would love to fill the auditorium to capacity.  What a fun early morning I have now.  Very pleased to make this connection! Thanks to Dr. Grandin for visiting and welcoming us all to hear you speak.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Today I finally went through Nathan's backpack from his last day of school.  I lingered to do so since it was a bitter sweet ending.  As I went through his papers the last one I came upon was a type written letter I had not expected.  Maybe one day I will share all that it said.  But, for now those precious words are meant for my son.  But, I do want to share one passage in honor of teachers everywhere.  Teachers who teach our special needs children.  Who only see the special, not the needs. have taught me a lot.  You have taught me to be thankful, to be cautious, and to find fine balance, to be witty, to be silly, and to love Dinosaurs.  You have challenged me and cheered me up...

And this is why it was so hard to leave.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Brooke is home from the Missouri Public Affairs Academy!  What an incredible time she had.  Not only did she learn and practice how to give of herself to her community, she made friends that will last a lifetime.  MSU assembled some of the most inspiring youth in the state and gave them the knowledge and the tools to do great service and accomplish amazing things.  Thanks so much to MSU and the Missouri Public Affairs Academy.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Nathan completed his fourth year at Rivendale today.  We are on a new journey now.  Thanks to Miss Chris, Miss Tegan, Miss Donna and Miss Vanessa.  And, all the other teachers.  Too many to name I just don't want to leave anyone out.  Okay I do need to mention Miss Denise! (And, Miss Danielle who is missed by all.)

Rivendale has been such a part of our lives over the past five years.  I can't even separate the two.  The saying on the sign is even one of my sayings.  I was honored when Dr. Duncan asked to use it.  Things will be different now.  (For one I don't have to head across town early each morning.)  But, I need to remember the two best things about Rivendale are the young men I am taking with me.  Love you Nathan and Chase. 
Chase also completed four years today.  Miss Stephanie has been his constant companion for most of those years.  Thank you to Miss Chris, Miss Stephanie, Miss Allison and Mr. Josh.  Again too many others to mention because of the risk of leaving someone out.  We will be seeing you around...

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Very interesting day.  The end of one season of our lives.  Sad.  But, the beginning of new and unlimited potential.  Lots to think about.
I would say and now I am going to bed because tomorrow is the end and the start.  Lots of people to say good-bye to, as I meet new colleagues during training.  But, someone just posted on facebook that no one cares if you are going to bed.  So now I am paranoid.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How do we talk to our children about their friends who are sick?  I worry about their dear sweet friend.  
It is so important to teach our children compassion so they don't miss out on feeling those emotions.  It is easy to let those things slide.  Thinking it is a higher level emotion and too difficult for them to grasp.  But, one of my greatest joys is seeing my children caring for others.  Tending to their sick mom and bringing their teachers birthday presents.  I know my children have true compassion.  They may not be able to explain it or understand it, but they feel it.  So I continue to give them opportunities to practice.  (And I often reap the benefits of their thoughtfullness.)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

So how many pictures does it take to get the one you want.  Or, at least close to it.





Thanks Mrs. Lawson for remembering Chase on his birthday.  He was very excited to get his card!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

Still sick...
So we had scrambled eggs and cereal for dinner.
Chase requested "strawberry salt" for his cereal.
In other words, sugar.
 Gotta love how the literal mind works.  Looks like salt, but we put it on strawberries and it is sweet.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why is it when you have a cold you can't remember any of those great home remedies that sound so wonderful and easy when you aren't sick.
Maybe I can get Brooke to make me some chicken soup tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

He is back.  Not 100% himself.  But much better.
I don't know why some times are harder than others for him.  That is one reason communication is so vital.  It is hard, if not impossible, to know if something is wrong. Does he hurt? Is he sad? Does he need something?
And other times it is obvious what he needs.
Today he needed a hug!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Going to be a late night at the PAC (Parent Advisory Committee for the Autism Projects) meeting I think.  Parents have been asked to come and open up about their children's needs.  I am so privileged to be in a position where I can be on the listening end.  What a night it will be!

Monday, July 9, 2012

 I know he is in there!  I ran across this interview last night.  ABA has helped so much.  And, I understand much of ABA is building language, the categorizing, the identifying, the sequencing...but when do you choose to spend more time on assisted communication?   Was viewing this at 3:00 a.m. (while he paced our home searching for sleep) mere chance or message?  I am going to talk with the school and see if we can make a shift.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

I so wish I could have gotten a picture of the dozen boys surrounding Nathan when classes were changing at church today.  But I didn't want to ruin the moment by getting up.  I heard so many things that made me choke back tears.  I heard:
"That's so cool!"
"How does he do that?"
"I wish I could play like that."
"What level is that?"
Then the cheering as he battled the books attacking Harry.
Perfect way to spend the Sabbath.  Blessings come in many ways.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

My father has always said, "You either work at what you love or you make enough money working to do what you love."
No one can ever say Nicole doesn't listen to her Grandpa!
She is actually doing both.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Back from opening of Where We Can Read the Wind.   A wonderful exhibit featuring highlights the talent of 11 professional artists with disabilities from across the state. 

Nathan looks at paintings done by Christa Carpenter.  The artist was present tonight to greet even the youngest fans.
To complete the night Morgan Robertson was performing.  So moving to hear her sing.  I usually hear her as a music therapist, thus the song choices were different.  But she couldn't resist squeezing a little therapy in with one of her students. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The boys' pretty little cousin!  What a gal!  To clarify she is moving the sparkler that is why the flame looks huge.

Now this is how we picture the 4th of July.  Children, cousins and friends celebrating with fireworks.  The one time of year for many that they are so hands on.
But not last night for Nathan.  He did his celebrating the night before.  He had enough fireworks to last him until next year.  I prompted, maybe even pushed him to come join the festivities outside.  He said "No" each time I asked.  I decided that I didn't need him to do it for me.  Because he certainly wasn't going to come outside for himself.  He was perfectly happy to hang out with Grandma and a freshly washed dog that wouldn't stay off the couch.
It is vital to give children with autism opportunities to experience things.  Not to give up too easy or not try because it is too hard.  But, sometimes NO MEANS NO.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tonight we celebrated our freedom and an added bonus.
Nathan learned to catch a football.
Can't wait to see what the 4th brings!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Times are a changin'
Chase drew me a heart and hung it on the wall.
I walked by it the other night and realized...


If that is not environmental learning I don't know what is!