Monday, July 9, 2012

 I know he is in there!  I ran across this interview last night.  ABA has helped so much.  And, I understand much of ABA is building language, the categorizing, the identifying, the sequencing...but when do you choose to spend more time on assisted communication?   Was viewing this at 3:00 a.m. (while he paced our home searching for sleep) mere chance or message?  I am going to talk with the school and see if we can make a shift.


  1. Sorry to bother you - I came across this site researching PVL and apraxia. My son was diagnosed with PVL at 18 months and doing fairly well at 7 years now. However I just got off the phone with someone who has a 3 year old that was just diagnosed with apraxia and EGE - Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis. I was curious if you know if these could all be tied together somehow. Thank, Maria, Kansas

  2. Maria,
    I will be concentrating on the apraxia as we look more at Nathan's speech, than his behaviors and abilities. I am ready to learn more. Do you have the site information still? The apraxia has always been more apparent in Nathan, but as Chase gets older and has more language, so obviously has more output, I am realizing he is more compromised by it than I originally thought.
    Did your son receive speech that targeted his apraxia in any special way?
