Thursday, September 13, 2012

Today after Nathan and I went to the farmer's market he spied the mall.  To encourage his communication I obliged his request.  We quickly found a play area that of course was full of toddlers and babies.  Nathan was happy and I was on my toes.  We met a young mother with the friendliest 1 year old.  He loved Nathan and Nathan was overjoyed.  After playing for a time the mother asked Nathan how old he was and if he was my youngest.  Thus my opportunity to give information that was not asked for but was desired.
We said he was 10 and had just left his school because of insurance and I was still working on his programing.  This mother asked me if I knew of Dr. Duncan, that she had interviewed her for a story in 417 magazine and she highly recommended her.  I said yes I do and that she (this woman) had actually interviewed me over the phone about our experience with Dr. Duncan!  What a fun reunion that resulted from a chance meeting. The world is full of wonderful people and I was privileged to meet one today.
Dr. Kerri Duncan


  1. Thanks for sharing this. In the waiting room during a social skills group last night, four parents connected and two of the fathers knew each other from a chance encounter at Arby's in Branson a few days prior.~Dawn

  2. It amazes me the number of people you know, and who know you. I am happy to call you my daughter and know that my grandchildren have an wonderful mother.
