Sunday, June 10, 2012

Some days are hard...  He is so tiny in this picture.  So many years have passed.  He will be 10 in August!  This morning he was trying so hard to button his church shirt.  He didn't cry, he didn't get upset.  He just kept trying.  He didn't rejoice when he did it.  He knew he was struggling.  I sat on the bed and I pushed the button from the back and he pulled it through.  He couldn't get his two hands to work together, but he never quit. And neither will I.  We can't quit.  We need to try every day.  
His language, that is what we need to find.  He keeps losing it.  We build it up to a certain point.  Then it is gone.  Retention.  How do we do it?  This time it is not rebuilding like the other times.  He is frustrated tonight.  Tomorrow will be a good day.  The roller coaster will bring on the vocals.  Love my little guy.

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