Today is World Wish Day!
I can't hardly believe it has been almost a year since Nathan's trip. The trip that brought him back to us. He had been a year & a half into his regression. I documented it on the blog: Nathan I Am. But, things changed on the trip. He was happy once again. He remembered life is worth living. It is fun and exciting. He came out of the shell he built around himself. He still does not have the same skills he used to. Although last week he passed off recognizing all his lowercase and capitol letters. He might not be reading or spelling, but it is the first step.
Make-A-Wish gave us hope and a fresh start. It truly changed our lives, especially his. I can hear him in the other room...making happy sounds. I love him and love Make-A-Wish!
I haven't finished his wish blog but I am half way there. I would like to continue it even after all the pictures are up. We are now life long supporters and I would like to document our time with this great organization.