Fall Soccer Season
came to a close today.
What an experience. Chase played on a SPARC team sponsored by the Parkboard. What an incredible experience. The experience (minus a complaint or 2 that was handled by the coach and the Parkboard with grace and dignity as they stood by Chase) was heartwarming and encouraging.
Coach Chase and A'coach Drew were amazing. They had just the perfect combination of direction, distraction and communication that was perfect for Chase. Firmly believing that Chase could do what everyone else was doing. Supporting him, but not too much. Treating him as a team member and helping him be all that he could. Improving each week. Understanding, but not excusing. Coach Chase taught him to use what he learned on the field in life. And, to look at those who are encouraging you. Letting them see that light in your eye and connecting.
And, I can't say enough about his teammates and the parents who raised such kind and patient children. Not easily offended and quick to understand. Hope many of us can be together in the Spring.
Need to post the team with Assistant Coach Drew...once I get it off my phone....